T'was just a garden in the rain. Close to a little leafy lane. A touch of color 'neath skies of gray. The raindrops kissed the flowerbeds. The blossoms raised their thirsty heads. A perfumed thank you. They seemed to say. Surely here was charm beyond compare to view. Maybe it was just that I was there with you. T'was just a garden in the rain. But then the sun came out again. And sent us happily on our way.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

mid autumn magic

i'm used to staying in school till nine working on scripts but on this night it was different! We had a Mid-Autumn Festival! The night was magical with lights and lanterns strewn across the parade square.. reminds me of those old school carnivals of the past.

The girls had an opportunity to perform for the festival. Here's us in the dance studio... bright and cheery before the madness and chaos as we rush to put on make up for the performance.
.snappy happy.catching the chemistry teacher before she leaves. so glad that nat was there too. thank you for your lovely company and being my supper buddy- of mooncakes, tea leave eggs, chinese tea and ramly burger!

the dance! the dance! pretty colours. the girls put in lots of effort and i'm so happy it went well and they had fun. :)

my cheeky boys who brought me a lantern!!!

my favourite shot of the night. with Nat, lantern and ch posing at the back. I love the lantern. I love how it glows. so apt for this night :)


Anonymous said...

you're teaching in ctss???

tt's my sec sch!! =D

joey said...

really?! i didn't know that! haha yup i am! :)quite a few of the teachers during your time are still around!!! we're moving back to clementi central at the end of the year. :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe one day i'll look for you for a drink when i go and visit Mrs Wang grinz!

I lost your number. If you still have mine pls give me a msg ;)