T'was just a garden in the rain. Close to a little leafy lane. A touch of color 'neath skies of gray. The raindrops kissed the flowerbeds. The blossoms raised their thirsty heads. A perfumed thank you. They seemed to say. Surely here was charm beyond compare to view. Maybe it was just that I was there with you. T'was just a garden in the rain. But then the sun came out again. And sent us happily on our way.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Clarity through the tears.

two things happened at work on thursday. one came in a letter. it left me feeling extremely encouraged and affirmed my calling as a teacher. the other left me emotionally drained. my first brush with work politics. a conversation with the boy after brought forth a torrent of emotions and i realised that it was a lesson i needed to learn from so that i can protect my heart in the future.

After putting down the phone, i was suddenly overwhelmed with gratitude and tears for His timing and love. For only He knows how important it was for me to recieve that letter prior to the dreadful encounter and I know His hands are at work.

For even when i can't see His hands, I shall trust His heart.

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